Your Generosity Matters
If you call Comforter of Kingston your home church, we invite you to give with a cheerful heart, generous spirit, and faithful mindset. Your giving matters because it starts as an act of worship, providing awareness of God’s provision today and helping us trust on Him for provision in the future.

How to Give?
Currently, you can give to Comforter of Kingston in the following ways:
1. Online giving: Use the button above to give through our secure giving platform. Please note, an extra transaction fee is incurred when you give electronically; you may choose to cover or, not to cover these costs with your contribution.
2. In-person with Cash: you can place your gift in an envelope provided by the entrance of the Sanctuary (or Fellowship Hall), and then drop the envelope in the collection tray.
3. In-person with a Check: please make checks payable to Reformed Church of the Comforter, and drop it in the collection tray by itself or inside an envelope provided.
4. Mail your Check: please make checks payable to Reformed Church of the Comforter, and mail to:
Comforter of Kingston
PO Box 2736
Kingston, NY 12402

Can I Give Online?
Yes! For your convenience you may give using our secure online giving option. See the donate button on this page. Please note that a you have the option to cover transaction fee costs if you choose.